Feeling Connected through the Arts

Since my last post, a rather dark post to be honest, things around here have gotten back on track. Positivity is in the air, the future looks bright, and life is good! I did several things to change my perspective, change my inner dialogue, that all led to feeling happier, more grounded, and more connected... Continue Reading →


It's a little late, but allow me to wish all of you a Happy New Year, and a wonderful 2014!! As many of you know I recently returned from a 5 week orchestra tour through China. For 5 weeks I rode in busses, trains, and planes. I slept in very hard beds, ate oily and... Continue Reading →

Thoughtfully Checking In…

August is over half over, so my self imposed "no drinking and running/biking/exercising to get back on track" edict is nearly over, so I thought I'd check in. I miss drinking. I am so boring sober. My jokes fall flat. My witty cynicism is locked somewhere behind an anonymous bar waiting to be opened and... Continue Reading →

Stalled Out, Coast, and Restart

You know when you're just chugging along down the road and you look up and have no idea where you are and where you are going? You do? Good. That has been the past 8 months of my life. A little over a year ago I did my 30-Day Experiment by going vegan and running.... Continue Reading →

Getting Back on Track

We've all been there. One day everything in life is going smoothly, then the next time you look up a couple of weeks later, everything in life is a mess and you can't figure out HOW you got to this point. Well, if you haven't experienced this, kudos to you. If you HAVE experienced this,... Continue Reading →

4 Weeks Finished

I know, I know. I haven't been writing much...er, I mean, I haven't been writing AT ALL! So sue me. I've been in a fog recently. Yeah, I've been pretty lazy about keeping up on my running/vegetarianism blog, but what can I do. I'm writing NOW, so enjoy it. Despite not writing about it, I... Continue Reading →

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