What Do You Do While Running?

I've recently gotten back into the running life, and so far I am enjoying it. What I am NOT enjoying is the sub-freezing temperatures, snow, sleet and wind. That damn wind can pierce anything! When I first started running seriously back in 2012, I used to listen to music. I created running playlists trying to... Continue Reading →

Resolutions… Anyone?

The new year is a time for life changes and resolutions. I've never really been good at this whole new years resolutions, because, let's face it, in the middle of winter, everything you can think to better yourself sounds like a good idea. But as the days get longer, it feels like you have more... Continue Reading →


It's a little late, but allow me to wish all of you a Happy New Year, and a wonderful 2014!! As many of you know I recently returned from a 5 week orchestra tour through China. For 5 weeks I rode in busses, trains, and planes. I slept in very hard beds, ate oily and... Continue Reading →

Thoughtfully Checking In…

August is over half over, so my self imposed "no drinking and running/biking/exercising to get back on track" edict is nearly over, so I thought I'd check in. I miss drinking. I am so boring sober. My jokes fall flat. My witty cynicism is locked somewhere behind an anonymous bar waiting to be opened and... Continue Reading →

Stalled Out, Coast, and Restart

You know when you're just chugging along down the road and you look up and have no idea where you are and where you are going? You do? Good. That has been the past 8 months of my life. A little over a year ago I did my 30-Day Experiment by going vegan and running.... Continue Reading →

What will 2013 bring?

Ok, so it's been over two months since my previous post. There are several reasons why I haven't been posting, and I'll get into that in future posts. Believe me, you'll hear all about it. I was hesitant to write in the new year because I didn't want to write down some unattainable New Year... Continue Reading →

Race Day thoughts

Since this was my fist major race, I really didn't know what I was getting into on the brisk, nay FREAKIN' COLD morning of November 3rd. I was a tad nervous to say the least. As the time got closer to the 8am start, the temperature didn't rise like I was hoping and I couldn't... Continue Reading →

Run a Half Marathon…Check!!

I just got home from running, and finishing the Monumental Half-Marathon! According to texts my friends received (and then sent me), I finished in 2 hours, 11 minutes and 51 seconds! This race was cold, kind of dreary, and crowded, but hey, I finished it! When this all started I wanted to run races as... Continue Reading →

And now the Playlist!

Wow! I've been tweaking this playlist since I've started running regularly back in June, and I feel like I really have it poppin' right now! Last night, instead of relaxing and getting 10 hours of sleep, I stayed up and added the Beats Per Minute (BPM) for every tune in my list! Ideally, I want... Continue Reading →

It’s Here!

The half-marathon I have been training for is right around the corner, and I'm pretty excited about it! I'm also excited that I'm doing this as a Plant Powered runner! Speaking of Plant Powered, I got my 'No-Meat-Athlete' long sleeve shirt in the mail last week and have been proudly wearing it on the final... Continue Reading →

Taper Week + Fun Gigs!

Well, here we are. The week before my first half-marathon and I gotta say that I'm pretty excited about it! This week is the second of two taper weeks, meaning that the milage is less than previous weeks. It kind of feels weird only running a few miles instead of 7-10, but it all leads... Continue Reading →

Monumental Half-Marathon Team RBD!!

The Monumental Marathon and Half Marathon is on November 3rd, 2012. As this is my first half-marathon, I'm thinking I may need some sort of support team, or at least suggestions of how to best navigate eating/drinking throughout the race. Anybody want to sign on to Team RBD?! Let me know! The course of this... Continue Reading →

The Fear of Failure

The Fear of Failure is upon us all the time. For some people, it is a tiny fear WAY back somewhere in the packed attic of their brain. For others, the fear of failure can be strong enough that it prevents them from even starting something. On the whole spectrum of not fearing any failure,... Continue Reading →

Wow and Whew!

The last week of running has been pretty amazing! Two Saturday's ago I participated in a 47K relay. I was one of four people running a 2.2 mile circuit. The four of us ran the 47K (which is a marathon) in 3:22:47, not bad! It was quite cold and I learned a lot about how... Continue Reading →

Getting Back on Track

We've all been there. One day everything in life is going smoothly, then the next time you look up a couple of weeks later, everything in life is a mess and you can't figure out HOW you got to this point. Well, if you haven't experienced this, kudos to you. If you HAVE experienced this,... Continue Reading →

First Speed Bump

Well, I've had my first speed bump with my running this past week. Since I've been ranting about the ISO Musician Lockout (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) , I haven't been writing about the running so much, so let me re-cap a couple of weeks here: Two weeks ago, I was supposed to do... Continue Reading →

4 Weeks Finished

I know, I know. I haven't been writing much...er, I mean, I haven't been writing AT ALL! So sue me. I've been in a fog recently. Yeah, I've been pretty lazy about keeping up on my running/vegetarianism blog, but what can I do. I'm writing NOW, so enjoy it. Despite not writing about it, I... Continue Reading →

Game On!

It's official!! I will be running the Monumental Half Marathon on November 3rd here in Indianapolis! The race is exactly 12 weeks away, so my No-Meat-Athlete Half Marathon Roadmap will be perfect to get me ready for 13.1 miles! Now that running a Half-Marathon is 'real', it is kind of daunting! I've never run more... Continue Reading →

The Challenge

I recently began reading the "No Meat Athlete Half Marathon Roadmap: The Vegetarian Guide to Conquering Your First 13.1" by Matt Frazier. Before the book gets into the training program the first Chapter is all about 'Making It Real: Goals and Commitments'. In this chapter, Matt asks you questions and you have to answer them.... Continue Reading →

Time flies…

Wow. Time really flies when you're avoiding doing things. It has been quite a while since I last blogged. I have gotten started on several blogs, but just put them in the 'Drafts' folder. I felt as if I didn't have anything interesting to talk about, but I finally realized that I have yet to talk... Continue Reading →

30 Day Experiment: End of Week 3

As you may have been able to figure out from my previous post, Week 3 was kind of rough. Despite all that, I've run over 20 miles, played some cool ass gigs and the weight loss is beginning to show. (hovering between 189 - 191 the last few days) I also had a drink, well,... Continue Reading →

30 Day Experiment: Week 3, Everything Going Well…

…Until a giant turd got dropped in my lap. This experiment has been going great! I’m losing weight, running longer distances on a regular basis (I’ve run 16 miles in the last 5 days), I’m eating healthy and chugging along pretty happily. Then, one of the most amazing person I know, somebody I truly loved... Continue Reading →

30 Day Experiment: Mid-Week 2

Clearly, I'm not going to write 30 separate posts throughout this experiment. I want friends at the end of it all. Instead, I'm just going to post some random thoughts as I go through things. Something occurred the past couple of days that I have found interesting. When I enter a grocery store, I actually begin to... Continue Reading →

30 Day Experiment: Day 4

Day 4 into this no-drinking, vegan eating, exercising every day, and things are progressing quite well I'd say. My energy is up, I never feel bloated (nor hungover which is nice) and I'm having fun trying to make new dishes and even experiment a bit in the kitchen. Am I missing the dairy/cheese/meat/alcohol? Surprisingly, not... Continue Reading →

30 Day Experiment: Day 2

Well, as I wrote yesterday (and posted today) I have begun a 30 Day Experiment into eating a total vegan diet and exercising everyday. And so it has begun, the eating correctly and the running (hopefully correctly). First, allow me to post a picture or two about what I'm eating. I'm not too terribly creative... Continue Reading →

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